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Interesting  Emails or Conversations on Messengers by Real People


Hi Liana,
Great, now I know you read your e-mails in the A.M. Answer: ALL THE WORDS. Like "For God so loved etc...."
If you ever have trouble again getting a ride, you know that Maya's mom goes every Sunday to play the organ. Ask her if she would mind giving you a ride sometimes. Could you also read the Armenian epistle next Sunday? Or maybe Mariana could. 
We have the new- possible -next -priest - but- until- he- finds a bride- just-a-deacon next Sunday. You might round up all our beautiful young maidens in their 20's to be there just in case ....... Of course not any of you super great girls are candidates, I want all of you to go to university and study, study, study. Just thought you'd get a kick out being match makers and save the poor guy a trip to Armenia. O.K. Now you can laugh, Liana. but not in class.DO YOU HEAR ME????? I/m laughing too. Not at the deacon of course, at the idea of romantic sparks flying around.
On a more serious note, do be on time.  Richard will be in court officially representing his first client tomorrow and I'm going to drive down there to see him in action. His birthday is on Sunday, so I think I'll stay until Sunday morning and then get up early and drive back from Austin and be in Church by 10:30.
If I can do THAT, you guys can be there on time, RIGHT??????

-----Original Message-----
From: Liana
Sent: Feb 16, 2004 12:36 PM
To: Glyssie Berberian
Subject: back to you, Mrs. Glyssie:) from Liana

Hey Mrs. Glyssie
Sorry I couldn't come I woke up and my dad took the car, my mom didn't have a car but ok so do we memorize like lets say john 3-16 or do we memorize like "for God so loved the world"... i dont get  what u mean by verses ? the actually what the verse says or where its found? so please email me back because I think I memorized the wrong things.
Your BEST STUDENT (hehe just kidding) AND WE ARE GONNA BRING THAT TROPHY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. I have some pictures from other years when we did grand challenge so if you want i can scan them and send them to you so you can add them on the grand challenge site. Tell me if you want them.

Liked What You Read? If you want to add a funny conversation plzzzz send it to my email at and I'll put it up!!!
Thank you in Advance:)